About Us

Hey, I'm Christian (not the religion, it is actually my name...)
I've been knee-deep in tech for almost two decades now. Remember when you thought you could be a pro hacker just by copying code from magazines? Ah, the good old days of tech naiveté!
I kicked off my journey in the classic style—trying to free up enough RAM to boot that one game. Nowadays, RAM is a breeze, but oh, how the hurdles have evolved (hello, JavaScript!).
The idea of building daily-digest came from the rise of AI and the ever growing wave of news. It's barely possible to stay on top of what is happening (who has time for this right?). Therefore we
invented something that does the heavy lifting for us. We thought it was pretty nifty, so hopefully, you'll find it useful too! ;)
Senior Staff Software Engineer @IBM with lots of ❤️ for Open Source and truly nerdy stuff

Hello, I'm Sebastian!
And while there is no religion named after me, I am also a software engineer, with a passion for new tech, web development, and things that make you go "wow!". And as a software engineer, you are always on the lookout for the next new technology on the horizon.
The rise of AI has all of us turning our heads. And even before, information was already coming at us from all directions. So, we thought, why not create something that can help us keep up with the news?
We hope you find our news digest as useful as we do! And of course, please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. :D
Tech Lead @IBM